Righteous Roots offers an array of Programs to include:
(To learn more about our Programs, please call our office at 254-651-3600)
Crisis Resource Center
We provide a safe place for victims and survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault/abuse, & those facing an apparent life crisis.
Our crisis resource center is here to help you build a life for you and your children that is free from abuse. We provide onsite comprehensive case management, service coordination, community resources and referrals. Our center will also assist in safety planning, danger assessments, Pro-Se protective order assistance, court accompaniment, one-on-one advocacy, support groups, outreach and education. We have a community resource closet to assist with family emergency needs. All services at MRR are free and the environment is safe, professional, and confidential.
Substance Abuse Recovery
We provide community-based substance use recovery support services for individuals and families which includes: assessment, case management, peer support, community resources and referrals, and support groups for teens and adults. Treatment options may vary depending on the severity of the addiction and specific needs of the individual.
Dating Violence Prevention
Provides teenage students with tools and skills needed to avoid abusive relationships, through a program in a classroom setting.
Family Preservation
A short-term family-focused program designed to assist a select targeted group of children and families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning through learning and developing healthy communication and interactive living skills.
Employee Assistance
Righteous Roots partners with many area companies to provide professional assistance to employees to help resolve personal and professional work related problems services may include free and confidential assessments,mediation, referrals, and follow-up services.
Violence Intervention & Education
We provide classes for men and women to help them learn skills needed to deal with their anger in a healthy manner with emphasis in learning to become accountable for one’s actions.
Community Education
Righteous Roots’ advocates provide education through outreach presentations to discuss the dynamics of family violence and abuse, its causes and consequences, and our services.