

Direct Victim Services

Righteous Roots offers an array of Direct Victim Services to include:

(Schedule an appointment for any of the following services by calling 254-651-3600)


To Hospitals, Law Enforcement Offices, Prosecutors’ Offices, and Court

To provide in-person support, assistance and provision of information about crime victims’ rights during the survivors’ interaction with medical or criminal justice professionals at hospitals, law enforcement offices, prosecutors; offices and courts. To qualify as an Accompaniment to a Hospital, a minimum of 45 minutes must be spent with the survivor.


In-person or via telecommunication assistance provided on behalf of a victim to third parties (e.g., schools, employers, law enforcement agencies, housing authorities, health care professionals, prosecutors; offices, Crime Victims’ Compensation)

Assistance with Crime Victims’ Compensation

Assistance provided to a victim or claimant, as defined by Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Articles 56B.003(2) and 56B.003(14), that may include explaining CVC forms, processes, or completing the appropriate forms. Providing
general information on CVC should be counted under “Information and Referral.”

Assistance with Restitution

At a minimum, those duties require under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Articles 56A.051, 56A.204, and 56A.451, which include notice of right to restitution and a written notification of the general restitution process within 10 days after the date that an indictment or information is returned against a defendant. Assistance with Restitution may also include assisting victims with calculating losses; gathering documentation/receipts; reviewing victim impact statements for potential restitution requests; contacting CVC to determine if funds have been expended on victim’s behalf; and providing restitution information and CVC reimbursement requests for the prosecution.

Assistance with Texas SAVNS

Assistance provided to a victim explaining Texas SAVNS (Statewide Automated Victim Notification System) and/or registering or accessing information. Providing general information on Texas SAVNS should be counted under “Information and Referral.”

Assistance with Victim Impact Panels

Assistance provided to a victim to prepare a victim to present on a Victim Impact Panel.

Assistance with Victim Impact Statements

Assistance provided to a victim explaining the Victim Impact Statement identified in Article 56A.151 Code of Criminal Procedure and/or completing the appropriate forms. Providing general information on Victim Impact Statements should be counted under “Information and Referral.”

Crisis Intervention

In person assistance provided to a victim of sexual assault to reduce acute distress, to begin stabilization and to assist in determining next steps.

Emergency Funds

Funds provided for victims for items needed immediately following a crime that would not otherwise be paid for by the Crime Victims’ Compensation Program.

*Allowable Items – one-time transportation, one-time lodging, and/or a one-time food and/or gas card, etc.;

*Unallowable Items — past due rent, past due car payment, monthly groceries, medical bills, financial assistance, monetary gifts, etc.

Follow up with Victim

In person, telephone or written communication, initiated by the advocate that occurs as a follow-up to an initial meeting with the victim – to provide or offer services such as emotional support, empathetic listening and checking on progress.

Groups (Support & Therapeutic)

One-on-one peer services provided by trained staff and/or volunteers, and/or other victims to increase client functionality and facilitate empowerment in meeting his/her physical, medical, legal, and or phycological needs.

Register for a group today by

  • Visiting the Education & Support tab in the navigation bar
  • Calling us at 254-651-3600
  • Emailing us at info@righteousroots.org

Information & Referral

Call to inquire about information and referral by contacting 254-651-3600.

To view a quick reference of resources, visit the Resources tab located under Education & Support in the navigation bar. More information and referrals can be provided on an individual basis by contacting us in person or over the phone at 254-651-3600.

Individual Counseling

Provided to a victim by a licensed mental health professional and uses one-on-one psychological and/or therapeutic methods of treatment.

Peer Support Services

One-on-one peer services provided by trained staff and/or volunteers, and/or other victims to increase client functionality and facilitate empowerment in meeting his/her physical, medical, legal, and or phycological needs.


Assistance in arranging lodging for a victim, including but not limited to, emergency housing assistance.


Arranging and/or providing transportation for a victim for planned activities to one or more destinations in a single trip, or to an unplanned or crisis situation to or from locations such as medical facilities, shelters, or law enforcement agencies.

Other Direct Victim Services

Schedule an appointment by calling 254-651-3600 to learn about the other direct victim services provided at Righteous Roots.