is monthly financial sponsors

Checks can be made out to Righteous Roots and mailed to
P.O. Box 77  Flat, TX 76526


Believing BIG!

We are in need of a Home/Building to use as a local crisis shelter.


Shop with us on Amazon Smile:) 


Send Packages to:

Mission Righteous Roots

462 County Road 327

Gatesville, TX 76528


Immediate Physical Needs

  • Non-Perishable Snacks
  • Drinks – Bottled Water, Dr Pepper, Coke, etc…
  • Toilet Paper
  • HOME that we can use for safe housing 


Mission Righteous Roots believes in the power of prayer.

Add us to your prayer list and pray often.

There will be ample opportunity for you to serve alongside us! As we are in the beginning stages of development, we could currently use volunteers skilled in publicity, grant writing, web-site development, and fundraising.  Follow us on Facebook for the most up to date volunteer opportunities. 

Mission Righteous Roots depends on the financial generosity of individual, community, and church supporters. All monies directly support the growth of this ministry.